The Bite of Music

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My music, you inspire me to work.

How I love the pressure you put on me,

Taking over my mind, all with a smirk.

Always run me as busy as a bee.


Compare you to a scorching summer day,

You are more biting, fighting, and intense.

But there is the joy seeking through to stay,

Is it worth it? Does it make any sense?


How do I stand you? Let me count the ways.

The discipline, my drive, beauty, and sound.

The passion, better than writing essays.

I love the intensity all around.


Now I must continue with my practice, 

Mark my words, before it gets suspicious.


I created a Shakespearean sonnet about music and my relationship with music. I chose to create a Shakespearean sonnet rather than a Petrarchan sonnet because I felt as though the Shakespearean sonnet rhyming scheme and structure was more fitting for my idea. Throughout my sonnet, I was trying to describe and show the intense and difficult side to music while still presenting reminders that music is beautiful and joyful even though it is hard. I was also trying to convey how the difficult side is a good thing for me because the difficulty and discipline force me to work hard and give my all. While creating my sonnet, I was attempting to choose the best adjectives and words that will explain what I’m thinking the best and most efficiently since each line can only have 10 syllables. I thought the hardest part of writing the sonnet was picking what words to convey the message I’m trying to say. Since there are restrictions to syllable count, line count, and rhyme scheme, each word has much more value and you are not able to run on and on with your words.

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