CTRL Programs | Grants

List of Programs | Grants

AU Entrée Program

AU Entrée is a program for new full-time faculty at AU, designed to support you during your first two years of teaching, and run by a seasoned member of the AU faculty. The program enables you to learn about best teaching practices from a spectrum of mentors and to network with peers. Learn more about AU Entrée.

Faculty Fellows Program

The goal of the Faculty Fellows Program is to advance CTRL’s mission of promoting and supporting excellence in teaching and research. The Program leverages faculty expertise to lead in the sharing of knowledge, experience, and creativity with their colleagues. Faculty Fellows work with CTRL to develop and implement programming to enhance the faculty’s effectiveness as teachers and researchers. Learn more about the Faculty Fellows Program.

Faculty Learning Communities

Recent events on- and off-campus have reminded us of the vital importance of developing curricula and pedagogy that recognize and sustain the ways of knowing and the lived experiences of students from communities marginalized by systemic inequalities. Learn more about Faculty Learning Communities.

Greenberg PhD Seminars for Effective Teaching

The Greenberg Seminars for Effective Teaching is now a one-credit course, The Art of Teaching, that is offered each spring semester for Ph.D. students who want to learn more about educational pedagogy. Designed as a complement to the Ph.D. academic experience, the Greenberg Ph.D. Seminars for Effective Teaching provide a hands-on, practical introduction to professional development and classroom techniques. Learn more about Greenberg Seminars.

Green Teaching Certificate Program

Now in its 12th year, the program has certified more than 600 individual professors at AU as “Green Teachers,” by allowing them to collect points for a variety of environmental actions, intended to (1) reduce the use of paper by moving towards using course materials, assignments, and exams in an electronic format; (2) reduce the use of energy and reduce pollution by using energy-efficient equipment, e.g. by making a habit of turning off equipment not in use; scheduling office hours on the day of class; or biking or carpooling to campus; and (3) commit to other measures, such as using reusable food and beverage containers; or talking to department staff about purchasing recycled materials and supplies. Learn more about The Green Teaching Program.