Syllabus Template: Class Schedule and Emergency Preparedness

This information can be included in the syllabus or designed as a separate document to keep the length of the syllabus manageable. The class schedule might include

  • When and where class will meet
  • When readings and assignments are due
  • Any dates when class will not meet
  • Scheduled guest speakers
  • Days when class will meet off campus or online
  • Dates when exams will take place and papers/projects are due

Emergency Preparedness

In the event of a declared pandemic (influenza or other communicable disease), American University will implement a plan for meeting the needs of all members of the university community. Should the university be required to close for a period of time, we are committed to ensuring that all aspects of our educational programs will be delivered to our students. These may include altering and extending the duration of the traditional term schedule to complete essential instruction in the traditional format and/or use of distance instructional methods. Specific strategies will vary from class to class, depending on the format of the course and the timing of the emergency. Faculty will communicate class-specific information to students via AU e-mail and Blackboard, while students must inform their faculty immediately of any absence due to illness. Students are responsible for checking their AU e-mail regularly and keeping themselves informed of emergencies. In the event of a declared pandemic or other emergency, students should refer to the AU Web site ( and the AU information line at (202) 885-1100 for general university-wide information, as well as contact their faculty and/or respective dean’s office for course and school/college-specific information.