The Sights I’ve Seen: Haikus
screams in school hallways
summer trigonometry
accept the challenge
midnight poker games
creative mathematics
think outside the box
the morning Minecraft.
after slumber, all is still
serenity now
dark and stormy night
chess with sweeping victory
fierce competition
the after school play
the architect of the stage
the early law camp
mock trials and reminders
I must speak my mind
milk snorts through his
nose lunch table bursts out laughing
the world needs more joy
a trip to England
a car crash and a story
ping pong in the rain
Dessau. The Bauhaus
German men with right angles
form follows function
draw, swish, thud, bullseye
draw, swish, clank, broken Eero
respect the balance
fall at the dojo
teaching children jujitsu
newfound leadership
a plan for Thailand
one final hurrah with friends
protect those who care
warm fall football days
collective sadness… we leave
parting of the ways