How to Make an Outsider Cry: Empathy and Reality in “Wildwood”
I should preface my examination of Junot Diaz’s “Wildwood” by declaring my role as an outsider. Yes, believe it or not, Eero is not a Dominican Name. I cannot speak fluent Spanish, nor can I—to my immense embarrassment—identify any key elements of Dominican history or culture. I blame our public school system, but that’s not the point. My point is that despite our completely different languages, perspectives, and cultures, I connected deeply with Junot Diaz’s character of Lola de Leon in “Wildwood”. I believe that the fictitious character Lola is effective because of Diaz’s emphasis on empathy. He illustrates Lola’s lifelong struggle with abuse in a vivid, personal, and realistic way. This intentional humanization of Lola creates a powerful link between fiction and reality.
My entire argument—at least why Lola feels both personal and relatable—rests on the admittedly large assumption that humanity is caring; that the things we watch and read have the capacity to evoke joy and tears and laughter and sorrow. In other words, we possess empathy. Diaz’s introduction of Lola in “Wildwood” would ring hollow without certain intentional creations of empathy. The first and in my opinion, most powerful was Diaz’s choice to make Lola’s mom abusive. This characterization of Lola as a child of abuse makes her feel far more personal. At the beginning of the chapter, Diaz writes that “as kids [they] were more scared of [their] mother than we were of the dark or el cuco. She would hit [them] anywhere, in front of anyone, always free with the chanclas and the correa” (55). This is our first introduction to her home life, a brutal and vivid image of fearful children cowering from abuse. For me, this was when Lola stopped being a fictional character. In this instance, she was embedded with the uniquely human struggle that countless children deal with. She simply reflected a personal reality.
Unfortunately, this one snapshot will never give me a complete picture of Dominican culture, nor am I certain it is an accurate representation. But that is yet another reason fiction is a powerful form of writing. These fictional characters are written to embody real spaces. Their movements, goals, and actions are reflective—even in the most minuscule ways—of the identity of their creators. Perhaps that is another reason why Lola’s relationship with abuse felt so personal; Diaz populated his fictional world with elements of his reality.