Dealing with Conflicting Political Ideologies in the Classroom
election 2016 stamp
Tuesday, February 23 | 12:00-1:30pm | MGC 4 & 5

In the midst of the election cycle, political and ideological differences among our students become apparent. How can we transform what could be tense debates into opportunities for intellectual inquiry and respect for diverse perspectives? Please join our faculty panel for this timely and critical conversation.

Addressing Students’ Stress and Mental Health Issues: Strategies for Faculty
Thursday, January 28 | 12:00-1:30pm | MGC 4 & 5

Today’s students are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety. This Noontime

Conversation will focus on strategies that faculty can implement to help address and support our students. Our common goal is to enhance learning and academic success.

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Traci Callandrillo, Director, Counseling Center
Marianne Huger Thomson, Associate Dean of Students and Interim Sr. Director, Academic Support and Access Center
Carol Weissbrod, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology

Promoting Inclusive Classrooms (August Workshop)

Teaching and Technology Workshop Event LogoFanta Aw (OCL & SIS) & Marilyn Goldhammer (CTRL & SETH)

Our changing student demographics require culturally responsive pedagogy for effective teaching and learning. This workshop will help faculty identify tools for creating inclusive classrooms by examining micro-aggressions and implicit bias, reducing stereotype threats, ensuring diverse perspectives, managing difficult conversations, including diversity and inclusion statements on syllabi and assessing the relevance of course materials.

Promoting Inclusive Classrooms (CTRL Faculty Summer Institute)

Summer Faculty Institute Event LogoCo-sponsored with the Office of Campus Life and the Dean of Academic Affairs Office
May 12, 2015 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Fanta Aw (Assistant Vice President of Campus Life, Office of Campus Life), Bette Dickerson (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology), Marilyn Goldhammer (Associate Director for Pedagogy, CTRL; Educator in Residence, School of Education, Teaching, and Health), and Tiffany Speaks (Senior Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion).

The changing demographics (race, class, gender and political diversity) of the AU student body require culturally responsive pedagogy for effective teaching and learning. This workshop will help faculty identify tools for creating inclusive classrooms. Topics will include:

  • Micro-aggressions in the classroom & implicit bias
  • Reducing stereotype threats
  • Building course content to ensure diversity of perspectives and viewpoints
  • Managing difficult conversations and conflicts
  • Diversity and inclusion statements
  • Assessing relevance of course materials
  • Pro-social classrooms

Ann Ferren Conference: Respecting and Cultivating Intellectual Diversity in the Classroom


Intellectual diversity is a critical aspect of AU’s efforts to cultivate diversity. This student and faculty panel will discuss ways in which faculty can foster robust discussion and debate in the classroom while creating an atmosphere of respect for all viewpoints.

Ann Ferren Conference: Who are Our Undergraduate Students?


This session offers insights into three segments of AU’s student population: The Class of 2018, AU’s Greek community, and students with mental health issues. It also explores strategies for coping with changing demographics and creating an inclusive classroom.