“Male” Anatomy

The Different Parts

Outer Sexual Anatomy
  • The penis and the scrotum are the two parts that are a part of male reproductive and sexual anatomy.
  • The penis is made up of three different types of spongy tissue that fill up with blood when someone becomes aroused. When this is happens, it’s usually called an erection.
  • Just like female sexual anatomy, all penises look different.

Glans: The head/tip of the penis, and also the opening to the urethra. This is where semen and pre-ejaculate (cum and pre-cum, respectively) are released.

ShaftExtends from the tip of the penis to the lower abdomen, houses the urethra.

ForeskinSkin the covers the tip of the penis. This is sometimes removed during circumcision so not everyone has it.

FrenulumWhere foreskin meets the shaft of the penis. For many people it’s very sensitive, and a part of it usually remains after circumcision.

Scrotum: Commonly referred to as the balls. Sac of skin hanging below the penis. It holds the testicles, which is where semen is produced. The scrotum are pretty sensitive so it hurts when they’re twisted or get hit, but sometime it can be pleasurable when they’re touched during sexual activity. Just like the shaft, scrotum look different from person to person.

Anus: The anus is the butthole and rectal opening. Some people derive sexual pleasure from here, too.

Inner Sexual Anatomy

TesticlesTwo glans inside the scrotum. They produce sperm and testosterone.

EpididymisThe tube where sperm matures. It hold semen prior to ejaculation and connects the testicles to the vas deferens.

Vas DeferensThese two tubes carry sperm and connect the epididymis to the seminal vesicles.

Seminal Vesicles: These are 2 organs that produce semen, which is the liquid that sperm float around in.

Prostate Gland: Produces fluid that help sperm move. A lot of people find it pleasurable when the prostate gland is touched during anal penetration.

Cowper’s GlandsProduce pre-ejaculate/precum. This reduces friction and prepares the urethra for ejaculation.

UrethraThe tube that carries urine and semen out of the body.


What’s the Deal with Circumcision?

Circumcision refers to one or many cuts on the genitalia — male or female. It is outlawed worldwide to circumcise females. On a penis, circumcision usually means cutting around the glans to remove the foreskin. This typically happens a few days after a baby is born. This is not illegal, but usually doesn’t happen outside of the U.S. It originated in the 1880s as a remedy for masturbation. One of the biggest reasons that circumcision is still popular in the U.S. is because of tradition.  


Video About Anatomy

