Mission, Goals + Objectives

Our Mission 

The mission of the Star Athlete Nutrition Education program is to prevent symptoms related to the Female Athlete Triad in young female high school athletes in Santa Clarita, California.


  • Prevent symptoms related to the female athlete triad in student-athletes
  • Promote concepts of sound sports nutrition and healthy body image for student-athletes
  • Reduce the incidence of preventable sports-related injuries in student-athletes

Process Objectives 

By the beginning of the school year 2021, all coaches will have formed their groups and assigned a squad leader to each.

Before the first session squad leaders will attend a 2-hour orientation session.

Before the first session, all participants will complete the initial self-assessment, and quiz of knowledge of topics covered in the program

Impact Objectives

Impact One

Awareness level

After the first session, all athletes will be able to identify at least one behavioral habit, they are currently doing that put them at risk for symptoms related to the Female Athlete Triad  

Knowledge level

When quizzed halfway through the program, one out of three athletes will be able to explain the importance of adequate macronutrients in the diet and consuming enough calories in a day.

Attitude level 

After the sixth session, 80% of athletes will be able to present healthy and unhealthy body images in front of their teammates and defend why those images are such.

Skill development

After the final session, 80% of athletes will be able to create a daily meal plan for themselves and be able to determine how many calories they should be eating per day.

Impact Two

One year after the program, those who completed all 8 sessions will report fewer sports-related injuries than those who did not complete the sessions.

Impact Three

One year after the program, those who completed all 8 sessions will see a significant difference in measures of intentions towards disordered eating than those who did not participate in the sessions.

Outcome Objective

The city of Santa Clarita will report 10% fewer cases of female teens who suffer from symptoms related to the Female Athlete Triad.

***Reflection***  I learned that while it is important to have a clear mission statement, there is no need to get into too much detail when creating one. Simple is best and then letting the goals and objects back up the mission statement is key. I have to say that developing the objectives was difficult and time consuming, but making sure I completed this step thouroughly helped form the rest of my program with ease.