CLARA, a Closed-Loop Automated Reaching Apparatus is a system developed by Spencer Bowles, W. Ryan Williamson and colleagues from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. CLARA automatically acquires data for the study of motor behaviors. It features a...
MRI Compatible Microdrive

MRI Compatible Microdrive

The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in conjunction with local electrical microstimulation (EM) is a powerful tool for investigating brain network connectivity. This method requires MRI compatible devices that can precisely position electrodes...


Solène Pedron and colleagues published an article in July of 2020 in Plos One, detailing a new device called open-tES for delivering non-invasive neuromodulation techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). The purpose of open-tES was to allow...
RatHat: A self-targeting printable brain implant system

RatHat: A self-targeting printable brain implant system

Leila Allen and colleagues in Tim Allen’s lab at Florida International University recently developed RatHat, a self-targeting printable brain implant system. Below they describe their project: “There has not been a major change in how neuroscientists approach...