Program Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives

Mission Statement:

The Broadneck Baseball and Softball Clubs (BBSC) mission is to educate and support their athletes to adopt and maintain healthy habits to improve athletic and academic performance.



Goal 1–  Increase the number of healthy snacks consumed by BBSC’s athletes replacing sugary, salty and saturated fatty items by creating SMART goals to support behavior change.

Goal 2-  Recognize the importance of a healthy diet and how it impacts BBSC’s athletes athletic and academic performance by tracking dietary habits through the “MyPlate” app with grades earned during that time period.

Goal 3-  Prevent the incidence of overweight/obesity status in BBSC athletes in the immediate and distant future by increasing their nutrition literacy.


Objective Statement
Type of Objective
Methods Used for Measurement
Instruments Used for Measurement
At the end of the first six months of program implementation, program planners will measure each sessions success with a satisfactory rating of 75% or more. Process Pre/Post Program Survey 15 item survey using  interval and ratio level measures


By the end of the first session, 85% of BBSC athletes will associate energy dense diets with a decline in athletic and academic performance. Impact-Learning (awareness/knowledge/attitude & skill development) Athlete Created Community Poster/Advertisement or PSA (Public Service Announcement) Rubric outlining poster/advertisement expectations (Qualitative/Formative)
BBSC athletes will demonstrate nutrition literacy by selecting nutrient dense snacks 3 out of 5 times by the end of three months of program participation. Impact-Behavior Diet Record Method




Behavior Tracking Method

USDA –“Start Simple with MyPlate”—Phone App. (Quantitative/Formative)


S.M.A.R.T. Goal Tracking Daily using Calendar on their SMART phone


Three months after the program’s completion, over half of the program participants will reject energy dense snacks when in social situations most of the time. Impact-Social Environment Evaluation Form Electronic questionnaire accessed through a link via text


(Quantitative & Qualitative/Summative)

After the first full year of implementation, 85% of BBSC athletes will have maintained a “healthy weight” status based on weight and height percentiles. Outcome


Pre/Post Program Height and Weight Measures Scale for weight measure in pounds


Stadiometer for measuring height





Brown, J.E. (2017). Nutrition Through the Lifecycle (3rd Edition). Cengage Learning.

Cline, J. (2012). Creating learning objectives. YouTube. Retrieved from

McKenzie, J.F., Neiger, B.L., Thackery, R. (2017).  Planning, Implementing & Evaluating Health Promotion Programs (7th  Edition). Pearson.

Medeiros, L.C., Nicholson Butkus, S., Chipman, H., Cox, R.H., Jones, L., Little, D. (2005). A logic model framework for community nutrition education.  Society for Nutrition Education, 37, 197-202. Retrieved from

Nonprofit Hub. (n.d). A step-by-step exercise for creating a mission statement. Retrieved from

Trietiak, A. (2020).  Building a Logic Model. YouTube. Retrieved from

United States Department of Agriculture. (2020). New…start simple with MyPlate app. Choose MyPlate. Retrieved from

University of Wisconsin. (2020).  Templates, examples and bibliographies. Program Development and Evaluation. Retrieved from

Willett, W. (2013).  Nutritional Epidemiology (3rd Edition). Oxford University Press.

W.K. Kellog Foundation. (2004). Logic model development guide. Retrieved from