Logic Model




ST Outcomes

IT Outcomes

LT Outcomes

Provide training and materials to instructors pre-implementation.

Results in the development of the Chose to Lose team who will disseminate program information.

100% of instructors participate in training.

Instructors change in awareness and knowledge of program.

Instructors effectively communicate nutrition education to participants.  

Increased interest in nutrition education lessons at Quest Fitness due to success.

Developing curriculum for each one-on-one session with participants.

One-on-one coaching sessions featuring motivational interviewing strategies.

90% participation rate for one-on-one sessions.

Participants gain food and nutrition knowledge including recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables.

Participants consume higher amounts of fruit and vegetables.

Decrease in chronic disease risk for participants.

Developing hands-on cooking classes for participants.

Classes featuring fun, quick, and healthy meal prepping ideas along with how to cook them.

90% participation rate for cooking classes.

Program participants learn how to put together and cook healthy meals.

Program participants will prepare and consume healthy meals.

Reduce overweight and obesity rates in the community.

Developing individualized mindfulness eating strategies for participants.

-One-on-one sessions focused on mindfulness eating.

-Participants set intentions

-Group discussions on online platform.

90% participation rate for one-on-one sessions, 80% of participants set intentions, 60% participate in online discussions.

Participants will commit to not labeling foods as “good” or “bad.”

Participants challenge previously held beliefs and start adopting food freedom.

Participants experience a positive relationship with food which, in turn, enhances their quality of life.