What are the August Faculty Workshops?
Every year prior to the beginning of the fall semester, the Center for Teaching, Research & Learning (CTRL), in collaboration with partners around campus, hosts The August Faculty Workshops – a 3-day workshop series, demonstrating new and innovative approaches to classroom teaching and research. This year’s workshop series features 34 virtual sessions over the course of three days related to teaching, research, or technology, as well as three lunch plenaries.
When are the August Faculty Workshops?
The 2024 August Faculty Workshops will take place on August 14th, 15th & 21st. This year’s workshops will be in-person with the option to attend online on August 14th and 21st, and virtual via Zoom on August 15th..
More details about the workshops can be found on the Program page.

Why Attend?
The August Faculty Workshops are specifically designed to help you get ready for the new academic year, with workshops on pedagogy, research software, inclusion and engagement in the classroom, sessions on Canvas, and more. It is also a great way to connect with other faculty members and staff colleagues before the start of the new academic year!
About CTRL
The Center for Teaching, Research & Learning (CTRL) is American University’s catalyst for inspiring, mentoring and celebrating faculty in their roles as teachers and researchers.
To fulfill this mission, CTRL collaborates with the campus community to create opportunities for faculty to re-envision and strengthen their teaching and research practices, and to help prepare the next generation of college faculty.