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Throughout the Spring of 2021, I worked on my social action project about drug education programs. I was able to get in touch with the supervisors of the Bottlecappers program at my old high school and begin coordinating how I would update their curriculum based on my research and hold trials to measure its success. This process has shown me the importance of connections and creating lasting good impressions on people in order to facilitate any future work together. I am also excited to have first hand experience in implementing a program that I have written and recording the results. Having completed this project, I will be thoroughly prepared to propose ideas clearly, create an effective deliverable, and test it for future use and expansion.

My experience within the SPA Leadership Program has been very beneficial to me in many ways. Firstly, I have been able to develop my leadership skills and come to understand my own leadership style, which I can utilize in many different spaces when organizing teams and projects. Secondly, this program has given me an amazing community that focuses not only on leadership and assignments, but personal growth and caring for one another. Over the last two weeks of the Spring 2021 class, we all shared our social action projects with one another and everybody was extremely supportive and happy for the success of others. This program is such an interconnected and multi-faceted community and I am eager to continue working with everybody as we move through the university and into the workforce with each other. 


During my second semester at American University, my statistics professor had noted that I was excelling in her class and recommended me to the Academic Support and Access Center’s SI Program. Due to her recommendation, I applied and became an SI Leader. Each semester, I am assigned to a basic statistics course for which I hold review sessions for two hours per week. I also attend the class, provide practice problems, and observe my fellow SI Leader’s sessions. This position has sparked my interest in pursuing statistics and data science in the future.


As part of the SPA Lincoln Scholars Program, I took a core class called The Problem of Freedom with Professor Thomas Merrill, who is running the program. After my first year at AU, Professor Merrill selected me to be a Program Leader (PL) through the AU Complex Problems Program for the same class during Fall 2020. As a PL, I attend class and observe how the students are engaging with the material, have individual meetings with each student, and hold co-curricular events outside of class for social as well as academic purposes. This position helped me strengthen my knowledge of political theory and realize that going back to texts I have read before is always beneficial in that I can consider them in a new light.