Over my almost 22 years of being alive, I have seen many different wins and loses for the LGBTQ community. However, what we ignore in these wins and losses are the intersections between the LGBTQ and other identities. When celebrating the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, we completely ignored the fact that transgender people could still not serve in the military openly. While we celebrated the overturn of DOMA we ignored that fact that you can still get fired in most states for being LGBTQ. And when we championed the right to get married, we let 49 of our Latinx brothers and sisters get murdered by a man with a gun. Too long the LGBTQ community has been a champion for those of us who are white and cisgender and up until recently, wealthy men.  We need to start opening up the playground to people who identify as other identities along with being LGBTQ.

However, research has not fully been done into the topics of the intersection of LGBTQ community and other identities. This has left the field open to the research and the conclusions. While this will not look at doing the research, it is important to know the limitations of the research going into reading a paper like this. The paper instead will use those shortcomings to try and advocate for issues that can be protected.

I implore you to follow me on a series of blog post that will look at the intersection of other identities with the LGBTQ community and how we can make the movement more intersections and what are the issues facing the different subsets of our community.

Because it is only with the inclusion of our Black, Latinx, Muslim, Asian, Low income, Transgender, Differently-abled, and other brother and sisters can we finally find equality, not just for the LGBTQ community, but for everyone.