What is leadership? What defines a leader? What makes a leader? These questions are something that I have been struggling with and trying to define ever since I joined the School of Public Affairs Leadership Program at American University. Having studied many different types of leadership and the different qualities that a leader possess, it is easy to see that there is no one set of traits or qualities that all leaders possess and not all leaders are inherently good. I think what truly makes a leader is their intention to help and support their followers and that they have followers to believe in them.

History has proven that we have had leaders who are horrible people and who have done horrible things, but thought they were doing the best thing for their supporters and followers. They are still seen as leaders and they have their followers. I think it all comes down to the followers. Leader and leadership is a title that must be bestowed on someone by their followers for it to be true. For example, the only reason politicians as seen as leaders is because American citizens give them that power and bestow the title of a leader on them.

So in effect, someone cannot claim themselves to be a leader but instead must have a follower/support base that believes them to be a leader and buys into their mission enough to give them that title. That is what makes a leader, nothing else, that is why we have good, bad, neutral leaders and leaders of all other types.