Our Mission:

  • To improve the health and quality of life for residents of Lincoln County through a community-based physical and nutrition education program that focuses on healthy habits and mindful eating.


  • Improve health of community members through healthy eating and weight loss.
  • Provide education for adults in Lincoln County on the importance of daily exercise for health and weight management.
  • Promote consumption of whole foods over processed food.
  • Promote healthy stress management through coping strategies
  • Promote understanding and awareness of the body and thoughts related to eating through mindful eating techniques.


  • Provide a six month long nutrition and exercise intervention to twenty adults age 25-45 two days a week for 1.5 hours in the evening”
  • By the end of the program, half of the participants will have lost 5-10% of their initial body weight for improved biological markers
  • By the end of the program, majority of the participants will exercise five days a week for at least one hour.
  • Halfway through the program all participants will be able to explain health risks associated with a processed food diet.
  • By the end of the program, two-thirds of those who participated in healthy fit life will be able to demonstrate how they used coping strategies during stressful situations.
  • After three months of the program, 75% of participants will recognize their body’s natural cues of hunger and satiety.

Logic Model:

Develop exercise curriculum


Hire two personal trainers at the YMCA for one session per week for 1.5 hours



Physical activity education and implementation once per week for 6 months (24 sessions)

·       Cardio & strength training

·       Group workout

·       Machine tutorials

·       Maintaining proper form to prevent injury

·       How to break up daily exercise by muscle groups


Personal trainers accept position.


20 people registered and complete at least 22 of 24 weekly exercise sessions



Participants demonstrate positive attitude and increased motivation toward exercise. Participants engage in cardio and strength training workouts for a minimum of four days per week for at least one hour Participants will decrease their body fat percentage from obese classification to average classification and gain lean muscle mass.
Acquire a reserved room (with projector and tables) at YMCA once a week for 1.5 hours.


Develop educational material for 6-month program.

Nutrition education that meets once a week for 6 months (24 sessions) Room is reserved for nutrition lessons once per week. 20 people registered and complete at least 22 of 24 weekly nutrition education sessions. Participants gain increased self-efficacy that they are in control and can change their diet/lifestyle. Participants are using portion control via mindful eating techniques and eating more whole foods while decreasing processed food intake. Participants will lose 10% of initial body weight for improved biomarkers
Community organization for health education Partnering with YMCA to provide nutrition education and fitness program for community members on sliding scale fee basis. Partnership was successful. Increase availability of nutrition education at an affordable price for behavior change and action. More of the participants are becoming members of the YMCA for access to the gym and group fitness classes post program. Increased membership rates