
According to the 2016 Survey on Drug Use and Health, 57.2% of college students have drank in the past 30 days

38% engage in binge drinking

10.5% engage in heavy drinking- 5 or more days of binge drinking each month

Why do college students drink?

Unstructured free time

Availability of alcohol


Influence of parents or friends

Cultural influences and social norms

What are the rates at AU?

So how can you drink safely?

Stanford University Suggests the MAPP Method


and pour your own drinks, keep track of your standard drink sizes


between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages


one alcholic drink per hour is recommened


how you will get to and from your destination safely, how much you plan to drink

Standard Drink Sizes

Beer: 12 oz 

Wine: 5 oz 

Liquor: 1.5 oz 

Harm Reduction Tips
  • Give your car keys to somebody you trust before you start drinking. Avoid drinking and driving by downloading ride sharing apps like Lyft and Uber and bring your phone charger with you on nights out.
  • Make sure you eat and are well hydrated before and during your drinking. 
  • Take vitamins- especially B vitamins and vitamin A, to replace those you lose while drinking.
  • Go out with people you trust and try to drink in places that are safe and trustworthy.
  • Bring condoms with you when you drink to reduce the likelihood of having unprotected sex.
  • Know the symptoms of an alcohol overdose, and how to respond if one occurs.
Know the symptoms of Alcohol Overdose

What to do if your friend is showing symptoms of alcohol overdose