Do you have a plan?

When an emergency occurs it’s important to have supplies and resources ready. Remember that preparation is your best tool during emergencies!


As with most things, communication is key! It’s important to talk with your family, friends, roommates etc. about creating an emergency plan. This includes important phone numbers, documents, and an overall plan.


When an emergency occurs you want to be prepared to stay safe and healthy. There are a few key items you should keep in your dorm in case of an emergency. These items shouldn’t take up too much space and should only be used in cases of emergency.


  • Enough bottled water to last you and your roommates at least a week
  • Dried food goods such as ramen, canned soup, crackers etc.
    • You want foods that don’t require too much cooking or preparation
  • Flashlight
  • Toiletry kit with personal items such as medication and hygiene needs
  • Printed versions of important documents and phone numbers
  • A book or other self-care items that don’t require electricity

Slide Show: Emergency Preparedness for College Students


FEMA Video on Emergency Kits