Sexual Health Education
Welcome to the virtual AU student sexual health page! You can access information and resources pertaining to safe sex practices, sexual communication & intimacy, and local resources to assist you in making healthier safe-sex choices.
Of sexually active people will contact an STI by age 25
young people reported STI Testing the past year
“AIDSinfo.” US Department of Health and Human Services. (24 Nov. 2019). US National Library of Medicine. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Bi 101.” (2019). (24 Nov. 2019).
“Birth Control Myths.” Nationwide Children’s. (2019). Nationwide Children’s. (25 Nov. 2019).
“Chlamydia Basic Fact Sheet.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (23 Jan. 2014). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (24
Nov. 2019). <>
“Contraception Myths.” Cleveland Clinic. (2019). Cleveland Clinic. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Gonorrhea.” MayoClinic. (25 Jul. 2019). MayoClinic. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Gonorrhea: Treatment and Care.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (4 Jun. 2015). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 24
Nov. 2019). <>
“Herpes Fast Facts.” American Sexual Health Association. (2019). American Sexual Health Association. (24 Nov. 2019).
“HIV.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (12 Nov. 2019). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (24 Nov. 2019).
“HIV Overview.” AIDSinfo. (3 Jul. 2019). US Department of Health and Human Services. (24 Nov. 2019).
“How Do I Talk About Consent?”Planned Parenthood. (2019). Planned Parenthood. (25 Nov. 2019).
“HPV Infection.” Mayo Clinic. (19 Oct. 2018). Mayo Clinic. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infection in the United States. Some Health Effects Caused by
HPV can be Prevented by the HPV Vaccines.” CDC. (16 Nov. 2017). CDC. (24 Apr. 2019).
“Mean Girls-Coach Carr ‘Don’t Have Sex.’” Means Girls. (2004). Means Girls. (24 Nov. 2019).
Mintz, Laurie. “Sexual Communication: The Bedrock to Make Your Bed Rock.” Psychology Today. (17 Dec. 2017). Psychology Today. (24 Nov.
“Myths About HIV and AIDS.” Avert. (25 Oct. 2019). Avert. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Myths About STIs and Condoms.” FPA. (2019). FPA. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS).” MayoClinic. (29 Oct. 2019). MayoClinic. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2017: Adolescents and Young Adults.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (24 Jul. 2018).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (24 Nov. 2019). <>
“STIs: What You Need to Know.” Kaiser Permanente. (13 Oct. 2019). Kaiser Permanente. (24 Nov. 2019).
“Talking About Sex.” American Sexual Health Association. (2019). American Sexual Health Association. (24 Nov. 2019).
“5 Sex Myths & Their Relationship Implications.” Heartalytics. (5 Apr. 2019). Heartalytics. (24 Nov. 2019).