River Road Project

During the fall semester of 2018, the 2018 graduate anthropology students began a collaboration with Montgomery County, MD residents, specifically those along the River Road corridor.  The project over the past year has unfolded into an archival collection and a museum exhibit in the Katzen Art Museum at American University.

Accomplishments of the Project

4 oral histories generated through the course of the year

  • Shorter interviews along the way

Historic African River Road Connections Collection (HARRC) – housed in American University’s library and special collections

Collaboration with American University’s Humanities Truck

  • an oral history workshop to encourage community members to conduct their own interviews

Curated a museum exhibit that will run from June 2019 through Augusts 2019 in the Katzen Art Museum at American University

Founding of related archival material throughout Montgomery County’s archives and sharing them with the communities.

Poster presentations of the student research done throughout the year.

Blog post about the importance of oral histories and promotion of the Humanities Truck event at Scotland AME Zion Church

  • A research poster depicting the research abstract, process, findings, and conclusions relating to research done in Montgomery County Maryland