About Me


Responsibility. Achiever. Harmony. Consistency. Learner.

My name is Robert Roseman. I am an undergraduate student at American University in Washington, DC studying CLEG (communications, legal institutions, economics, and government), with a certificate in Advanced Leadership Studies.

Prior to arriving at American University, I was incredibly involved in my community in Dallas, Texas. Growing up, I frequently volunteered with my grandfather at the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry. This experience gave me a deep appreciation for the role of community service and helping others. These values have stuck with me as I served as the social justice intern at Temple Emanu-El for two summers. In this role, I was able to help the immigrant population in North Texas and make a great impact on my community.

In my high school, Parish Episcopal School, I served as the student body president. I worked to ensure that all students had an enjoyable high school experience and that the teachers were recognized for the work that they put in to impacting their students.

I also diligently worked to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. This achievement demonstrates my leadership skills and community involvement.

When I saw the needs of undocumented immigrants in Dallas, I knew that there was something that I could and must do. This led me to become more involved in politics and look into attending college in Washington, DC.

I am excited to be able to continue serving the communities that I am a part of and putting the values that I learned when volunteering with my grandfather, serving as student body president, and achieving the rank of eagle scout to practice.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-roseman-5053b8189/