PTJ’s Guide to Translating Your Course To An Online Environment

A series of podcasts and accompanying material from PTJ to assist faculty in transitioning your course to an online format.

Episode 1: Contact Hours

An examination of the basic “unit” of teaching time, the credit hour. Reviews the purpose and calculation of the credit hour and how to attribute synchronous and asynchronous activities to the credit hour calculation.

Overview (PDF)
Video with Voice-Over Slides (YouTube)
Audio Only (M4A)
Slides Only (PDF)

Episode 2: Formats, Modalities, and Ways of Teaching

Includes a definition of important terms for teaching modalities, an examination of the possible ways to teach, and considerations for oscillating arrangements and blended teaching.

Overview (PDF)
Video with Voice-Over Slides (YouTube)
Audio Only (M4A)
Slides Only (PDF)