
Eat to Thrive

Eat to Thrive is a program, based out of the Tate Cancer Center, for Anne Arundel County community members to learn the fundamentals of nutrition and creating healthy lifestyle habits. The goal is to engage the entire community in these positive lifestyle behaviors and lessen the overall risk for disease.

The program:

10 Weekly Group Education Sessions

This portion of the program targets the individual and interpersonal level of influence. The curriculum will be taught by a trained nutrition educator. The lessons will be lecture-based, demonstration-based, discussion-based, or likely, a mix of all three.

The first half of the program will be dedicated to learning the basics of nutrition: 

  • Week 1: Carbohydrates
  • Week 2: Proteins
  • Week 3: Fats
  • Week 4: Fruits & Vegetables
  • Week 5: Physical activity

The second half of the program will be dedicated to behavior modification and how to transform knowledge into action.

  • Week 6: Goal Setting
  • Week 7: Meal Preparation
  • Week 8: Cooking Techniques
  • Week 9: Mindful Eating Strategies
  • Week 10: Avoiding Burn Out

Community Engagement

In addition to the participant curriculum, program leadership will collaborate with other organizations within the community. This strategy obviously targets the community level of influence. Examples of community partners include:




Grocery stores

The goal of community engagement is to increase community access to healthy food, educational training, and/or physical activity.