Fourth Annual Carbon Dioxide Removal Law & Policy Conference

November 18, 2024

Co-hosted by the Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal at American University and the Environmental Policy & Culture Program at Northwestern University

Conference Theme: The Emerging Regulatory Terrain for CDR

Climeworks’ Mammoth DAC+S plant in Iceland. Photo by Oli Haukur Myrdal; used with permission from Climeworks.

Conference Updates

We plan to provide regular updates on the conference here.

    • We are excited to announce our keynote speaker, Erin Burns, will be delivering the 4CDRLP’s keynote session: The Role of Government Procurement in Driving Carbon Dioxide Removal. Please see the conference agenda page for more details.
    • Welcome to the official webpage for the Fourth Annual Carbon Dioxide Removal Law & Policy Conference, co-hosted by the Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal at American University and the Environmental Policy and Culture Program at Northwestern University!
      • *Please be aware that the website is still being revised and may contain incomplete information: we will be updating it regularly as we solidify our speakers and agenda. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns related to the conference or it’s website. Thank you for your understanding!*

Why a Virtual Conference?

We recognize that there are important benefits to in-person conferences that cannot be wholly replicated in a virtual environment, including the opportunities to interact with colleagues, as well as to cultivate new contacts in the corridors, or over lunch or dinner. However, on balance, we believe that a virtual format is the optimal approach for this conference for a number of reasons:

  • A virtual format substanially reduces the conference’s carbon footprint, which we feel should be a cardinal concern in the climate community;
  • Removing the requisite travel and accommodations components of the conference substantially increases access to those with limited resources in both developed and developing countries. It ensures that many more diverse voices are heard in an arena that needs to hear these perspectives;
  • A virtual environment increases accessibility for those with disabilities or illnesses.

We will do our level-best to make the conference as interactive as possible, and to ensure that everyone has a full list of participants should they wish to contact attendees subsequently. We are also always open to suggestions as to how to make the virtual conference environment more interactive for our participants.

Thank you, Wil Burns, Conference Coordinator

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