My Journey in Finding an Overseas Job

By | April 19, 2023

I have always been fascinated by the idea of working abroad. The prospect of experiencing a different culture, meeting new people, and gaining global professional experience has always been a dream of mine. So, in my last year of university, I decided to embark on a journey to find a job overseas. In this blog post, I will share my experiences, lessons learned, and some tips for fellow students who are considering a similar path.

Step 1: Research & Identify Your Target Job Market

The first step in finding a job overseas is to identify which countries and industries you are interested in. I started my research by exploring different job markets and considering factors such as language requirements, visa regulations, and job prospects. A helpful resource I used was MyWorldAbroad.

For me, I had a keen interest in working in Asia, particularly in the technology industry. After some research, I narrowed down my target job market to Singapore and Hong Kong, as both cities are known for their booming tech scenes and being expat-friendly.

Step 2: Networking & Building Connections

Once I had identified my target job market, I focused on building connections with professionals in those countries. I started by reaching out to alumni from my university who were working in Singapore and Hong Kong. I found the LinkedIn Alumni Tool to be extremely helpful in connecting me with fellow graduates who were more than willing to share their experiences and insights.

In addition to reaching out to alumni, I also attended various networking events organized by my university’s career center and industry-specific organizations. Networking not only helped me gain valuable insights into the job market but also opened up potential opportunities through referrals.

Step 3: Customizing Your Job Application Materials

As an American applying for jobs abroad, I quickly realized that I needed to tailor my job application materials to the local context. This meant adapting my resume and cover letter to the specific country’s norms and expectations. For example, in some countries, it is common to include a photo and personal information such as age and marital status in your resume, while this is not the norm in the US.

I also had to be mindful of the language requirements for my target job market. As I was applying for jobs in Singapore and Hong Kong, I made sure to highlight my proficiency in Mandarin, which is a highly desirable skill in these markets. If you’re applying for jobs in countries where English is not the primary language, consider taking language courses or obtaining a language proficiency certification.

Step 4: Preparing for Interviews & Cultural Differences

When it came to interviewing for jobs overseas, I had to be prepared to navigate cultural differences and different interview styles. In some countries, interviews may be more formal, while others may have a more relaxed approach. I found websites like Glassdoor and InterviewPrep helpful in getting a sense of what to expect during interviews in my target job market.

In addition, I made sure to research the company’s culture and values to ensure that I would be a good fit for the organization. This not only helped me during the interview process but also gave me a better understanding of what to expect when working in a different country.

Final Thoughts & Tips

My journey in finding a job overseas was filled with challenges and valuable lessons. While the process was not easy, it was definitely rewarding, as I am now working in a fantastic tech company in Singapore. Here are some tips that I would like to share with fellow students who are considering working abroad:

  1. Be patient and persistent: Finding a job overseas takes time and effort, so be prepared for a longer job search process than you may be used to in the US.
  2. Invest in building connections: Networking is crucial in finding a job abroad, so make sure to dedicate time and effort to build relationships with professionals in your target job market.
  3. Stay adaptable and open-minded: Embrace the challenges and cultural differences that come with working in a foreign country. This will not only make your job search experience more enjoyable but also help you grow as a person and professional.

Good luck on your journey to finding a job overseas!

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