The program interventions consist of blog and social media posts covering various nutrition topics targeting the individuals levels of influence, along with in-person/virtual classes and grocery store tours targeting both the individual level and community level. Web-based platforms were chosen as the primary way to disseminate nutrition information because OTF has already established an online repertoire with its members and the success of online behavior change interventions. A review completed in 2014 reported that he majority of studies found significant improvements in health behavior change with the use of online social network sites (Maher et al., 2014). The in-person/virtual classes and grocery store tours aim to provide members with skills to implement the knowledge they gain from the blogs to their everyday lives.

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Below is the logic model outlining how the program activities will lead to the desired outcome of weight management and overall well-being.



Maher, C. A., Lewis, L. K., Ferrar, K., Marshall, S., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., & Vandelanotte, C. (2014). Are health behavior change interventions that use online social networks effective? A systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research16(2), e40.