My name is John and I am a recent graduate of a Master’s program in Political Science from Leiden University. I began my studies in the Netherlands directly after graduating with a B.A. in Political Science from American University, in D.C. Ever since a young age I’ve been incredibly passionate about politics and have always strived to involve myself in the field whenever possible. From years of doing academic simulations of Congress and the United Nations, I’m a dedicated public speaker, a nerd for parliamentary procedure, and passionate about learning the inner workings of government.
I attended high school in Greenwich, CT, but lived all over North America growing up. From being born in Atlanta, to spending formative years in Mexico City, starting school in Miami, and growing up in Milwaukee, I’m very independent and adaptable to change. I’ve always been hard-working and ambitious, from holding a tech-support job in middle school, to maintaining a spot on the Dean’s List in college.