
Reflection on my growth as a leader

I feel as if this semester I have brought both a supportive and leadership role to the team as I tend to encourage my peers to be their best selves and stay motivated. I feel that my leadership style, especially my seeking of full team approval and connection to the topic is especially important within this team as we discuss quite emotional and personal topics such as racism and inequality. This semester I have grown as a leader as I have developed my ability to connect and be empathetic and sensitive. Especially as the only white student in my team besides my TA, it is very important for me to be empathetic and supportive to my fellow teammates.

As a white female, I have experienced white privilege my entire life, and I know that attempting to fix or belittle their lifelong struggles of racism in America would do more harm than good. Due to my white privilege and “outsider” perspective, I feel as if  I bring an important aspect into the group as I offer alternative views and experiences. However, I feel as if I have learned more from my teammates than I could ever teach them. Being surrounded by powerful and inspirational black women has not only changed my leadership style but has been life-changing and groundbreaking, and I look forward to the day that they create change, lead the movement and break every glass ceiling. 


Reflection on my team’s dynamics

Throughout the implementation phase of our project, my team did not experience any challenges or difficulties. My groupmates and I all share common passions, interests and mindsets and therefore it is actually quite rare that we have a disagreement. Despite encountering many complicated situations, my group and I managed to maintain civil and respectful and overcome them with ease. However, I am certain that if a conflict were to arise that we would be able to maturely and rapidly solve it and conclude with an agreement and or solution that we are all agreeable with. 

In terms of the group dynamic, each member definitely had moments where they played the largest role and contributed the most work but all in all, we each had our moments and made our decisions together with our full hearts. Everyone in the group was and still is extremely passionate about closing the achievement gap, so when our time did come to be in the center of attention, we all took the role very seriously and tried our best very to succeed and make a difference. All in all, as a group we worked very well together and successfully achieved every goal we set together.


Summary of Racial Injustice Team Project

Our team project focused on closing the achievement gap through a Social Media Campaign. Our social media campaign included educated posts with resources to help minority students best prepare for the college application process. A few topics that our posts addressed include: how to apply for scholarships and financial aid, how to find a college that best fits your needs, and how to prepare for college interviews.  Our team also worked with Raising a Village to provide over 200 students with a supply kit containing school supplies such as pencils, pens, folders and much more.