Eye tracking is an important behavioral measure commonly used in studies of vision and attention to determine an individual’s point of gaze or the motion of the eye with respect to the head. While head-mounted display manufacturers often provide information about the precision and accuracy of their eye tracking, this information is for ideal conditions which are rarely accomplished in the variety of environments that eye trackers are commonly used in. It should therefore be best practice to provide a data quality measurement for each study, such that the accuracy and precision of the tracking can be standardized to improve replicability. To accomplish this, Isayas Adhanom and colleagues at the University of Nevada have developed GazeMetrics. GazeMetrics is Unity-based tool that allows for data extraction and computation of spatial accuracy and precision of head-mounted display based eye trackers such as the Vive Pro Eye integrated eye tracker, Tobii eye trackers, and Pupil Labs eye trackers. GazeMetrics also allows for significant customization without altering source code and the real-time outputs provided by GazeMetrics are easily interpreted. Therefore, GazeMetrics is an excellent way to improve the quality and replicability of head-mounted eye-tracking that is easy for users to understand and operate. This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications. RRID:SCR_022338 Read more about GazeMetrics in the paper! Get access to necessary files and code for installing GazeMetrics from their GitHub repository! Check out projects similar to this!GazeMetrics
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