Feldman Lab Lickometer

Aug 18, 2016

Brian Isett, a graduate researcher in the Feldman Lab at UC Berkeley writes, “Measuring licks using a lickometer can provide an intuitive and simple signal for scientists studying many aspects of rodent behavior.  Commercial lickometers are often bulky and expensive, easily costing a few hundred dollars. In the Feldman Lab, we designed a small and inexpensive lickometer with parts costing less than $20. The lickometer employs an infrared beam and sensor to minimize electrical noise artifacts during neurophysiology experiments and can be easily mounted in a micromanipulator for precise and repeatable positioning.

This open-source lickometer was designed in conjunction with an open-source water delivery system.  Together, these provide the basic hardware for a DIY behavioral assay and reward system for mice.”

This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications. RRID:SCR_021469

Feldman Lab Website

Find out more abou this project and how its been implemented in research studies in the Feldman Lab.

Build Instructions

Check out the full build instructions from this great blog post by Brian Isett. While you’re there, peruse his Body Electric blog for some other great project posts!

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