Researchers in the Datta Lab have developed two innovative tools to analyze animal behavior in detail. These tools break down movements into second-by-second units called “syllables”.
The first tool, called Depth MoSeq, uses 3D data from depth cameras to identify these behavioral syllables. This allows scientists to understand the sequence of actions an animal takes and how often it transitions between them. This information is crucial for linking animal behavior to brain activity.
The newer tool, Keypoint MoSeq, builds upon Depth MoSeq by using additional data points to infer body posture dynamics. While it identifies fewer transitions than Depth MoSeq due to using less data, it still captures crucial timing information. Additionally, Keypoint MoSeq is more adaptable, working with various camera angles, 2D or 3D inputs, and even different animal species like rats and mice.
These advancements offer a deeper understanding of animal behavior, paving the way for exciting research in animal cognition and brain function.
This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications. Depth MoSeq RRID: SCR_025031; Keypoint MoSeq RRID: SCR_025031
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Check out the Datta Lab GitHub repository for access to files for Depth MoSeq (moseq2-app) and Keypoint MoSeq (keypoint-moseq).
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