Quantifying Animal Movement from Pre-recorded Videos

Oct 21, 2016

In their 2014 paper, “Visualizing and quantifying movement from pre-recorded videos: The spectral time-lapse (STL) algorithm,” Christopher Madan and Marcia Spetch propose an approach for summarizing animal movement data as a single image (the spectral time-lapse algorithm) as well as automate analysis of animal movement data.

As an example application, the toolbox has been used to analyze movement data of pigeons solving the traveling salesperson problem (Baron et al., 2015).

This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.  Project portal RRID:SCR_021436; Software RRID:SCR_021515

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