Full text PDF of The Silk Road, Vol. 10 (2012)
The Image of the Wheeled Vehicle in the Mongolian Altai: Instability and Ambiguity
Esther Jacobson-Tepfer
Vehicles of the Steppe Elite: Chariots and Carts in Xiongnu Tombs
Bryan K. Miller
Yuezhi on Bactrian Embroidery from Textiles Found at Noyon uul, Mongolia
Sergey A. Yatsenko
Production Sites in Karakorum and Its Environment: A New Archaeological Project in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia
Ernst Pohl, Lkhagvadorj Mönkhbayar, Birte Ahrens et al.
Preliminary Report on the Ceramics of Chinese Origin Found East of the Old Mongolian Capital Karakorum
Anne Heussner
Bactrian Historical Inscriptions of the Kushan Period
Nicholas Sims-Williams
The Bibi Khanum Mosque in Samarqand: Its Mongol and Timurid Architecture
Elena Paskaleva
Featured Museum. Arts of the Islamic World in the Louvre: Experiencing the New Galleries
Daniel C. Waugh
Töwkhön, the Retreat of Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar as a Pilgrimage Site
Zsuzsa Majer
Cultural Thieves or Political Liabilities? How Chinese Officials Viewed Foreign Archaeologists in Xinjiang, 1893-1914
Justin M. Jacobs
Agriculture on the Mongolian Steppe
Doeke Eisma
Water Wealth and Energy in the Indian Himalayas
Kelly D. Alley
Eurasian Steppe Bronzes (Re)discovered
Catrin Kost
A review of recent books by John Boardman and by Ulf Jäger and Sascha Kansteiner.
Xiong News: Fourscore Years since the First Excavations at Noyon uul
Daniel C. Waugh
Nataliia Polos’mak’s excavation of Noyon uul Tomb No. 20 and the catalogue celebrating 2220 years since the founding of the Xiongnu state.
Archaeology and Landscape in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia: Celebrating Two Decades of Achievement
Daniel C. Waugh
The Atlas and website publishing results of the important survey project in the Mongolian Altai initiated by Esther Jacobson-Tepfer.
Farewell to the Marauding Nomad
Daniel C. Waugh
Two recent exhibitions which advance our understanding of the complexities of early pastoral societies in Inner Asia.
“…destroyed, [The Silk Road] is no more.”
Daniel C. Waugh
Valerie Hansen’s long-anticipated and stimulating new book on the Silk Roads.
Epilogue to the Silk Roads?
Daniel C. Waugh
Stephen Dale’s survey of Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal history, and Giancarlo Casale’s argument for the significance of the “Ottoman Age of Exploration.”
Revisiting Borderlands of Empires in Western Asia: Reviews and a Photo Essay
Daniel C. Waugh
Recent books on Dura Europos, Zeugma and Qusayr ‘Amra, and a selection of on-site photographs.
Chinese Scholars on Inner Asia, ed. by Luo Xin and Roger Covey
Valerie Hansen
Samuel N. C. Lieu et al. Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton)
Joel Walker
The following book notices were all written by Daniel C. Waugh:
- Tjalling H. F. Halbertsma. Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia.
- The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures from Han China, ed. James C. S. Lin
- Shipwrecked. Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds. Ed. Regina Krahl et al.
- Jonathan Karam Skaff. Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors.
- Rashmita Jadav. Understanding the Morphology of Leh Town.
The following book notices were all written/compiled by Daniel C. Waugh:
- L. R. Kontsevich. Khronologiia stran Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii. Addenda [Chronology of Far Eastern and Central Asian Countries. Addenda].
- A. V. Simonenko. Rimskii import u sarmatov Severnogo Prichernomor’ia [Roman Imports among the Sarmatians of the Northern Black Sea Littoral]
- N. I. Kuz’min. Pogrebal’nye pamiatniki khunno-sian’biiskogo vremeni [Mortuary Monuments of the Xiongnu-Xianbei Period].
- E. B. Barinova. Vliianie kul’tury Kitaia na protsessy inkul’turatsii Srednei Azii i Iuzhnoi Sibiri v do-mongol’skoe vremia[The Influence of the Culture of China on the Processes of Inculturation of Central Asia and Southern Siberia in the pre-Mongol Period]
- Jason Neelis. Early Buddhist Transmission and Trade Networks.
- E. B. Smagina. Manikheistvo po rannim istochnikam [Manichaeism according to the Early Sources] Hajj. Journey to the Heart of Islam, ed. Venetia Porter.
- Dan Gibson. Qur’anic Geography.
- Richard W. Bulliet. Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran. A Moment in World History.
- al-Iakubi. Kniga stran (Kitab al-buldan). Intr., tr., commentaries, indexes by L. A. Semenova.
- V. D. Goriacheva. Gorodskaia kul’tura tiurkskikh kaganatov na Tian’-Shane Iseredina VI-nachalo XIII v.) [Urban Culture of the Turkic Kaghanates in the Tian-Shan (mid-6th-beginning of the 13th centuries)]
- E. D. Zilivinskaia. Ocherki kul’tovogo i grazhdanskogo zodchestva Zolotoi Ordy [Essays on the Religious and Civil Architecture of the Golden Horde]
- I. K. Fomenko. Obraz mira na starinnykh portolanakh. Prichernomor’e konets XIII-XVIII v. [The Image of the World on Old Portolans. The Black Sea Littoral from the End of the 13th-the 17th Centuries].
- Shakh-Makhmud ibn Mirza Fazil Churas. Khronika. Ed. and tr. O. F. Akimushkin.
- Art, Architecture and Religion Along the Silk Roads, ed. Ken Parry (Silk Road Studies, XII).
- The “Silk Roads” in Time and Space: Migrations, Motifs, and Materials, ed. Victor H. Mair (Sino-Platonic Papers no. 228).
- Bulletin of the Asia Institute, Vol. 21 (2007/2012).
- Literature and History of the Western Regions, 6 (2012). Ed. Zhu Yuqi.