
American University Lawn

About Me

PICAHere, you will insert a 300-word biography, along with a portrait picture. Feel free to change and update anything in this biographic text, and on this ePortfolio in general, at any point throughout your time at American University! You may customize and add material to your ePortfolio to make it your own. However, at a minimum, you should follow the instructions below and update your ePortfolio accordingly (once updated, it may look something like Kate B’s sample ePortfolio). Once you get comfortable with Word Press and your ePortfolio, you may want to build it out more, and it may end up looking like Laura M’s sample ePortfolio.

To change the welcome image or insert/edit this text:

  1. Log into your WP-Admin Dashboard page (append /wp-admin to the end of your site’s URL)
  2. Within the WP-Admin Navigation, go to Pages > All Pages
  3. Select the Welcome page and edit as desired.

To edit the “Widgets” below:

  1. Log into your WP-Admin Dashboard page (append /wp-admin to the end of your site’s URL)
  2. Within the WP-Admin Navigation, go to Appearance > Widgets
  3. Expand Homepage Widgets 1 by selecting Down Arrow next to widget title
  4. Edit Text Box contents (HTML formatting allowed)
  5. Repeat for Homepage Widget 2 and Homepage Widget 3
  6. Update the Sidebar Widget (visible on Resume and Reflection pages) by following steps 1-4

What to put into the “Widgets” below:


As an Honors student, you are expected to develop and work toward academic, professional, and personal goals. They’re divided into long-term and semester goals, and will be updated continuously as your goals, interests, and aspirations evolve. Think about where you want your college education to take you. Where do you want to be in five years? If you’re not sure, make your long term goal as specific as possible. For example, decide between graduate school in … or a career in … Make semester goals that help you decide: taking classes, interviewing faculty, trying internships. Remember that long term goals are not promises. You can always change your plans as you learn more. Some semester goals are steps you need to take in order to achieve a long-term goal. Other semester goals are just for that semester. For example, if one of your long-term goals is graduate school, you might have a semester goal of talking to the Office of Merit Awards about fellowships that pay for graduate school. As an example of a semester goal that is independent of any long-term goal, perhaps you are thinking of adding a minor or second major. You might list as a goal taking a course in the subject to see whether you are interested in that major or having an informational interview with the department chair to see what career options are possible in that major.

1. Examples of Long-Term Goals


  • Get a national merit award to do research in …
  • Study abroad in … so that I can …
  • Become proficient in one language and be able to converse in a second.


  • Secure funding for graduate school in …
  • Gain skills necessary to enter the professional field of …
  • Get an internship at a place where I can learn to …


  • Develop my skills in [insert area in which I am weak]
  • Develop ability that will help me with …

2. Examples of Semester Goals


  • Talk to the Office of Merit Awards about fellowships that pay for graduate school (Tied to graduate school long-term goal)
  • Take a course in … to see whether interested in that major.


  • Have an informational interview with department chair to see what career options are possible in that major.
  • Attend one professional networking event in DC in the are of …
  • Apply for internship in the field of …


  • Sign up for workshops that help me develop my skills in …

Mentor Network

You’ll soon start developing a network of mentors from among faculty and staff at AU. As you develop those mentor relationships, list those names here. To start, include your assigned Honors Counselor as the first member of your mentor network.

Current Position

Include here any professional or leadership positions you hold this semester, including jobs, internships, and AU clubs/activities. Keep this section up-to-date as you gain or change positions.

Major/Minor/Certificate Program

Include here any declared (or intended) majors, minors, and certificate programs. Update this section as your plans take shape.