About the Journal

Clocks and Clouds is an American University undergraduate research journal that publishes articles on the cutting edge of political science, international relations, and public policy.

Through the journal, our authors contribute to the intellectual dialogue both within the American University community and broader academia. Philosopher Karl Popper’s “clocks and clouds” metaphor describes the two ends of the spectrum of predictability in social science. Clouds represent the disorderly and irregular, and clocks represent the predictable and rational.

By providing a venue for top undergraduate research, Clocks and Clouds aims to find the clocks amidst the clouds.

Follow us on Instagram at @clocksandclouds_au to receive updates on staff application and submission processes, reviewer spotlights, events, and workshops!

 If you have questions or would like more information, please reach out to our Editor-In-Chief, Willem Ells, at clocksandcloudsau@gmail.com or through the form below.

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