We’re cancelling this week’s session (February 12) due to weather. We’re looking into having an extra session on April 9. More on that later…
[UPDATE: We will indeed have a session on April 9.]
A space for new and exciting mathematical challenges!
We’re cancelling this week’s session (February 12) due to weather. We’re looking into having an extra session on April 9. More on that later…
[UPDATE: We will indeed have a session on April 9.]
We will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30, starting January 29, ending April 2, and skipping March 12. Here is the pre-registration form. To complete your registration, you’ll also need to fill out and e-mail some other forms.
(Sign up if your child is interested, whether or not they can participate this coming semester. Getting (or staying) on our list will give you advance notice of our future offerings.)
Parents of admitted students will be given our precise meeting location, which will be on the American University campus.
We can’t wait!
We are full. But feel free to sign up anyway, either to get on our wait list, or just to receive advance notice of our future offerings.
This fall, we will operate on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30, starting September 25, ending November 20, and skipping October 2. Sign up if your child is interested, whether or not they are able to participate this semester. (Getting on our list gives you advance notice of our future offerings.) We can’t wait!
Parents of admitted students will be given our precise meeting location, which will be on the American University campus.
[Note that the sign-up form says “Spring 2024” at the top. I’ll try to fix that… Also, on our website, you’ll find some release forms and such. Don’t worry about them. We’ll send forms to parents of all admitted students.]
But you can still sign up if you just want to stay/get on our mailing list in order to get advance notice of our future offerings.
This spring, we will operate on Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30, starting January 25 and ending March 14. Sign up if your child is interested, whether or not they are able to participate this semester. (Getting on our list gives you advance notice of our future offerings.) We can’t wait!
Parents of admitted students will be given our precise meeting location, which will be on the American University campus.
[On our website, you’ll find some release forms and such. Don’t worry about them yet, as we still need to update them.]
We’re full. If you’ve already signed up, we’ll write to you soon concerning whether we have room for your child. If your child is interested, but you haven’t signed up yet, then you can still sign up to get on our mailing list to receive advance notice of our future offerings.
This fall, we will operate on Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30, starting September 28 and ending November 16. Sign up if your child is interested, whether or not they are able to participate this semester. (Getting on our list gives you advance notice of our future offerings.) We can’t wait!
Parents of admitted students will be given our precise meeting location, which will be on the American University campus.
[On our website, you’ll find some release forms and such. Don’t worry about them yet, as we still need to update them.]
… but you’re still welcome to sign up to receive advance notice of our future offerings. Go to the registration link.
DC Math Circle will return for Spring 2022! We plan to have online sessions on the following Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 PM ET:
Space is limited. Sign up if you want to participate, or if you just want to be informed of our future offerings.