
Publications in reverse chronological order. (*indicates undergraduate student researcher) (^indicates masters student researcher)

American University

23. Borchardt, R.; Moran, C.; Cantrill, S.; Chemjobber; See Arr Oh; Hartings, Matthew R. Chemists’ perception of research publication importance and its relation to citation rates. PLoS One 201813(3), e0194903. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194903 Data set doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5187529

22. Hartings, Matthew R.; Douglass, K. O.; Neice, C.; Ahmed, Z. Humidity responsive photonic sensor based on a carboxymethyl cellulose mechanical actuator. Sensors and Actuators B 2018265, 335-338 doi: 10.1015/j.snb.2018.03.065

21. Bible, M.*^; Sefa, M.; Fedchak, J. A.; Scherschligt, J.; Natarajan, B.; Ahmed, Z.; Hartings, Matthew R. 3D printed ABS-MOF composite materials and their gas storage properties. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 20185(1), 63-72 doi: 10.1089/3dp.2017.0067

20. Hart, C.*; Abuladel, N.*; Bee, M.*; Channell, M.^; Cvitan, A. C.*; Esson, M. M.*; Farag, A.*; Ibeh, T.*; Kalivas, E.*; Larco, D.*; Long, A.*; Lymperopoulos, L.*; Mendel, Z.*; Miles, N.*; Montanero, C.*; Schwabacher, J. C.*; Slucher, H.*; Vinals-Camallonga, J.*; Heddleston, J.M.; Li, W.; Fox, D.M.; Hartings, Matthew R. On the mechanism of protein-templated gold nanoparticle synthesis: Protein organization, controlled gold sequestration, and unexpected reaction products. Dalton Transactions 201746, 16465-16473. doi: 10.1039/C7DT03275G

19. Dempsey, J. L.; Hartings, Matthew R. Hop to It. Biochemistry, 2017, 56(42), 5623-5624. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00950

18. Channell, M. N.^; Sefa, M.; Fedchak, J. A.; Scherschligt, J.; Bible, M.*^; Natarajan, B.; Klimov, N. N.; Miller, A. E.; Ahmed, Z.; Hartings, Matthew R. Toward 3D printed hydrogen storage materials made with ABS-MOF composites. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 2018, 29, 867-873. doi: 10.1002/PAT.4197

17. Mody, P.^; Hart, C.*; Romano, S.*; El-Magbri, M.*; Esson, M. M.*; Ibeh, T.*; Knowlton, L.; Zhang, M.; Wagner, M.J.; Hartings, Matthew R. Protein-based ferrogels. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2016, 159, 7-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2016.02.015

16. Skorski, M.*; Esenther, J.*; Miller, A. E.; Hartings, Matthew R. The chemical, mechanical, and physical properties of 3-D printed materials composed of TiO2-ABS nanocomposites. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2016, 17(1), 89-97. doi: 10.1080/14686996.2016.1152879

  • Featured in Mechanical Engineering for their “Hot Labs” feature 2016, July, p. 22-23.
  • Received “2016 Altmetrics Award” from Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

15. Long, A.*, Rothenberg, P.*, Patel, D.*; MacDougall, J.*; Hartings, Matthew R. The structure and peroxidase activity of myoglobin in alcoholic solvents. Polyhedron2016, doi: 10.1016/j.poly.2015.11.028

14. Hartings, Matthew R.; Fox, D.M.; Miller, A.E.; Muratore, K.M. A hybrid integrated laboratory and inquiry-based research experience: Replacing traditional laboratory instruction with a sustainable student-led research project. Journal of Chemical Education 2015, 92(6), 1016-1023. doi: 10.1021/ed500793q

  • Featured in Science as an Editors’ Choice from recent literature 2015, 348(6232).

13. Hartings, Matthew R.; Benjamin, N.*; Briere, F.*; Briscione, M.*; Choudary, O.*; Fisher, T. L.*; Flynn, L.*; Ghias, E.*; Harper, M.*; Khamis, N.*; Koenigsknecht, C.*;  Lazor, K.*; Moss, S.*; Robbins, E.*; Schultz, S.*; Yaman, S.*; Haverhals, L. M.; Trulove, P. C.; De Long, H. C.; Miller, A. E.; Fox, D. M. Concurrent 0-D and 1-D biomineralization of gold from a solution of Au3+ and bovine serum albumin Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2013, 14(6), 065004. doi: 10.1088/1468-6996/14/6/065004

12. Hartings, Matthew R. Reactions coupled to palladium Nature Chemistry 2012, 4(9), 764 doi: 10.1038/nchem.1437

11. Hartings, Matthew R.; Fahy, D. Communicating Chemistry for Public Engagement Nature Chemistry 2011, 3, 674-677. doi: 10.1038/nchem.1094

California Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, and University of Dayton

10. Hartings, Matthew R.; Kurnikov, Igor V.; Dunn, Adam R.; Winkler, Jay R.; Gray, Harry B.; Ratner, Mark A. Electron tunneling through sensitizer wires bound to proteins Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2010, 245(3-4), 248-253. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2009.08.008

9. Barker, Kylie D.; Eckermann, Amanda L.; Sazinsky, Matthew H.; Hartings, Matthew R.; Abajian, Carnie; Georganopoulou, Dmitra; Ratner, Mark A.; Rosenzweig, Amy C.; Meade, Thomas J. Protein binding and the electronic properties of iron(II) complexes: an electrochemical and optical investigation of outer sphere effects Bioconjugate Chemistry 2009, 20(10), 1930-1939. doi: 10.1021/ja042922y

8. Hartings, Matthew R., Gray, Harry B.; Winkler, Jay R. Probing melittin helix-coil equilibria in solutions and vesicles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2008, 112, 3202-3207. doi: 10.1021/jp709866g

7. Eckermann, Amanda L.; Barker, Kylie; Hartings, Matthew R.; Ratner, Mark A.; Meade, Thomas J. Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of a transition-metal-modified ligand-receptor pair. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 11880-11881. doi: 10.1021/ja042922y

6. Damsbo; Martin; Kinnear, Brian S.; Hartings, Matthew R., Ruhoff, Peder T.; Jarrold, Martin F.; Ratner, Mark A. Application of evolutionary algorithm methods to polypeptide folding: Comparison with experimental results for unsolvated Ac-(Ala-Gly-Gly)5-Lys+H+. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2004, 101, 7215-7222. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0401659101

5. Hartings, Matthew R.; Kinnear, Brian S.; Jarrold, Martin F. The energy landscape of unsolvated peptides: the role of context in the stability of alanine/glycine helices. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125, 3941-3947. doi: 10.1021/ja020610u

4. Kinnear, Brian S.; Hartings, Matthew R.; Jarrold, Martin F. The energy landscape of unsolvated peptides: helix formation and cold denaturation in Ac-Ala4-Gly7-Ala4+H+. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002, 124, 4422-4431. doi: 10.1021/ja012150v

3. Kinnear, Brian S.; Hartings, Matthew R.; Jarrold, Martin F. Helix unfolding in unsolvated peptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001, 123, 5660-5667. doi: 10.1021/ja004196e

2. Bisson, Scott E.; Armstrong Karla M.; Kulp, Thomas J.; Hartings, Matthew R. Broadly tunable, mode-hop-tuned cw optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate Applied Optics 2001, 40(33), 6094-6055. doi: 10.1364/AO.40.006049

1. Oomens, Jos; Bisson, Scott E.; Hartings, Matthew R.; Kulp, Thomas J.; Harren, Frans J. M. New laser sources for photoacoustic trace gas detection with applications in biomedical science. Proceedings SPIE (Biomedical Optoacoustics) Ed. Oraevsky, AA 2000, 1(10), 295-300. doi: 10.1117/12.386333