I entered American University thinking I would desire a commonplace government job that the typical political science major aspires when they graduate, such as working in the United States House of Representatives or the Senate. However, throughout my various courses at AU, I realized that I enjoyed deeper discussions about politics and human nature, and that these types of jobs would not provide that type of stimulation. Furthermore, my internship at the American Hellenic Institute confirmed my interest of unstructured intellecutal thought, where I was free to research any aspect of Greek-Cypriot relations. The purpose of the reseach was to create policy solutions aimed at restricting Turkish aggression in the Eastern Mediterrean. As I progressed toward graduation, I realized that policy in and of itself can not provide solutions to various global conflicts such as the invasion of Cyprus or the decades long conflict between Israel and Palestine. Furthemore, my political theory courses developed my critical thinking skills to the point where an intellectual job is crucial. For instance, studying such philsophers such as Plato and Machiavelli have made me question the true nature of politics and whether the human condition can allow for a true social contract. As a result of these courses and my internships, I desire a job that allows me to conduct political research in a way that is not married to an ideology and allows me to explore the way human nature effects politics, without group think effecting my ability to do so. Questions such as , ” Does the human upbringing make peace an inatainable goal due to natural prejudice?” or , ” How does the upbringing disillusion ones perspective of the world?” are questions that need to be answered when conducting such research.