Mentorship Log #10

For this mentorship log, it is going to be a sort of two–for–one. It starts off here in Washington D.C. on April 9th, after receiving an email from Professor Esser about how I constructed my presentation for the upcoming AAG conference. Professor Esser was really helpful in cleaning up the final kinks that were left in the presentation that I had constructed, and even though I was still concerned that I couldn’t quite fix all of his notes, I was confident in the presentation that I had put together (with all of the fixes from the April 4th meeting incorporated as well). The second part of this log is going to be from the AAG conference itself, where after presenting my research to the crowd in its current state, I was surprised to find that many in the audience were quite pleased with my research, with a professor from Brazil going so far as to offer if she could help me continue this research over the summer in Latin America–to which I had to politely decline because of other impending events in my summer. I felt that this really helped me become a lot more confident in my research, especially because I got some useful feedback on the qualitative portion of my research, which I’m going to be stressing out over for the last couple of weeks as I try to finish everything up on time.

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