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For this mentorship log, it is going to be a sort of two–for–one. It starts off here in Washington D.C. on April 9th, after receiving an email from Professor Esser about how I constructed my presentation for the upcoming AAG conference. Professor Esser was really helpful in cleaning up the […]

Mentorship Log #10

On April 4th, while starting my preparations for presenting my research at the AAG conference in New Orleans, I had a 3 hour meeting with Professor Esser to discuss my analysis and what I could tell the people that came to see my research at the conference. In this meeting, […]

Mentorship Log #9

On March 30th, I once again arrived in Professor Esser’s office to consult about my research. This meeting of about 20 minutes consisted of talking about what final conclusions I might reach from the culmination of this process. While Professor Esser was in agreement that my ideas of what I […]

Mentorship Log #8

Immediately after my meeting with Professor Esser on February 27, I ran over to class to have my peers review my methodology section draft of my final paper. I felt as though my methodology section was good at the time, but it definitely needed sharpening due to the fact that […]

Mentorship Log #7

On February 16th I again walked into class to receive some more information on how I would inform my project. This time it was with Professor Mislan in our methods workshop. I was already pretty sure that I would be doing a structured case comparison along the lines of Mill’s […]

Mentorship Log #5

On February 9th, I brought in my Literature Review to our class workshop to get more comments on how I was putting my research into written form. I had never been confident in my literature review mainly because I really struggled to find any sort of literature that looked at […]

Mentorship Log #4

On February 2nd I presented my work in the Collective Advising Workshop during class. I was a touch apprehensive because this was really my first time meeting back up with Professor Esser all semester, but I was still confident that the research I had done up to that point would […]

Mentorship Log #3