The Class:

In the AU Complex Problems course “Podcasts & Persuasion,” through listening and analyzing podcasts, we explore how podcasts inform and shape our experiences and our understanding of ourselves and others in complex, compelling ways.

To see what students learn, click on the Wonk Cat for a video made by Maddie Gerber, Lily Malin, and Jesse Weinstein.

The Wonk Cat, Beloved Feral Feline at American University Goes Missing (Image from “The Wonk Cat: Beloved Feral Feline at American University Goes Missing”)

The Assignment:

At the end of the semester, students complete a final project, reflecting on what they have learned about podcasts and persuasion: Imagine the producers of a limited series podcast you listened to ask you to create a supplement to their podcast. Create a multimodal project comprised of “Bonus Material” that connects to the podcast.

What does “multimodal” mean?

Basically, multimodal “texts” use one or more modes of communication: visual, spatial, linguistic, gestural, or audio. Examples include videos, websites, brochures, comics, advertisements, memes, infographics, etc.