
My deepest gratitude is reserved for the project advisor, Dr. Ying-chen Peng, who gave liberally of her time and knowledge to help me. When the project did not yield the answers to my questions, she gave freely of her expertise and offered me invaluable advice through the process of researching and writing the texts for this exhibition. This accomplishment would not have been possible without her unfailing support.

I would also like to extend my thanks to Dr. Jordan Amirkhani, as the second reader of this project, and I benefited greatly from her valuable advice. A special thank you to Dr. Xiaofei Kang, whose course inspired me to work on this project.

Finally, A profound gratitude to my parents and brother for their encouragement and love throughout my years of study. I also offer sincere thanks to my friends Xiaoyu Fang and Yilin Hu for their generous assistance. And, to Tianlong Hou, who never doubted I could do it, I offer my love and deepest appreciation. Thank you.

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