Mentor Meeting- Dr. Field 1/19

On Friday, January 19, 2018, I met with Dr. Field for about a half hour to discuss my proposed research on how the UNFCCC REDD+ Platform has redefined the dialogue surrounding deforestation. I explained how this puzzle may not be as comprehensive as when it was initially proposed. I started thinking about shifting gears towards a policy analysis. The distinction between deforestation and forest degradation have an obvious difference in meaning. There is concrete evidence that can be pointed to during negotiations of the treaty when there was a shift to include forest degradation to the conversation. But the question remains, how can I mature my project? As a student interested in environmental policy, I have considered tracing the policy to understand what type of language reflects varying actions. Furthermore, to what degree of influence does the UN have? Do countries have to abide by these policies? Where does the lack of concrete consequences play a role in policy-making? My next steps are to continue readings of the COP agendas and build on this puzzle.     

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