Work Samples

Analytic Product: Threat Assessment on Iran’s retaliation plans  

This analytical product was prepared for JLC:484 Intelligence Analysis. It is an open source review on the likelihood that Iran will assassinated the US Ambassador to South Africa in retaliation for the US killing Iranian Major General Quassem Soleimani. This is the first of two analytical product that are written in this course. 


Position Paper: Role of Virtual Communities in Domestic Terrorism

This paper, for JLC 674: Domestic Terrorism and Political Violence, analyzes the influence and impact of virtual communities in the Far Right. It argues, ” To combat domestic terrorism, counterterrorism officials should focus on  the far-right virtual communities because they act as gathering places for recruits and recruiters, facilitate the sharing of ideas, and expose more people to the radicalization process. 


Position Paper: Leadership in Terrorism 

This paper, for JLC 485: Strategy and Tactics of Terrorist Organizations, examines what is the worst mistake a terrorist group can make. It argues, “The worst mistake that a contemporary terrorist group can make is to adopt a decentralized leadership structure because it makes it difficult to enforce cohesion, to control information and messaging, and to establish governance. “


Analysis 3: The Battle of Culiacán and the Evolution of the Sinaloa Cartel

This paper,  for JLC 470: Causes of Terrorism and Political Violence, analyzes the battle that broke out between Mexican Security Forces and the gunmen of the Sinaloa Cartel when Ovidio Guzmán López was arrested. It argues that it is time to label the cartel as a terrorist organization. 


Analysis 2:  The Ambazonians and the Impact of Structures and Leadership

This paper,  for JLC 470: Causes of Terrorism and Political Violence,  explores the relatively new separatist group, the Ambazonian Defense Fund, and how they recently convinced the population they committed a terrorist attack that killed two individuals. It discusses how decision about leadership structure can influence the success, or failure, of a group. 


Analysis 1: Changing Political Context and Violence in Northern Ireland

This paper, for JLC 470: Causes of Terrorism and Political Violence, explores the local response to a recently attempted terrorist attack in Londonderry/Derry by the “New IRA.” It examines why the IRA and extreme nationalism is not as effective as they once were in Northern Ireland, even in the face of Brexit.


Position Paper: The Crime and Conflict Nexus  

This paper, for JLC 482: Crime and Conflict Nexus,  is a five  paragraph position paper that examines the existence and influence of the crime and conflict nexus.  This paper argues that, “The crime and conflict nexus is important because of
the similarities in recruitment and management styles of the gr,  for JLC 470: Causes of Terrorism and Political Violence,ups as well as the impact
that financing has on motivations of terrorists and transnational criminal organizations. ” It is cited in the style of the American Political Science Association. 


Londonderry vs. Derry: Infrapolitics inside the Walled City 

This paper, for GOVT 235: Political Conflict, is an analysis of how the Irish-Catholic community and the Irish Republican Army (IRA) used infrapolitics in Londonderry-Derry during the height of the Troubles in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It includes and in-depth examination and examples of status, material, and ideological infrapolitics in the city. It is cited using APA style with explanatory footnotes when needed.  


Policy Memo: The Irish Problem in the Face of Brexit  

This paper is a policy memo which explores the impact that Brexit could have on the island of Ireland. It begins with a brief introduction of the Irish Troubles beginning with the height of the violence in 1960’s until the Good Friday Agreement in 1998; furthermore, there is  a discussion of the key stakeholders on the island. It then moves forward with an analysis of both the economic and political consequences Brexit could have in Northern Ireland. Finally it concludes that although more research and time will give a clearer picture of the Irish Problem, as it stands Brexit will be disastrous for Northern Ireland.  


 Negotiating from Within: How the FBI’s own Internal Conflict Impacted Waco

This paper, for WRTG 101: Writing Seminar, is a research paper that includes various rhetorical analysis examining the events at Waco and looking to prove the position that “If given the space and time to follow
crisis negotiation standards without the impatient tactical team’s displays of force ,the negotiation unit could have been successful at finding a peaceful solution.” 


Due Process Model: War on Drugs

This paper, for JLC 104: Introduction to Systems of Criminal Justice,  is an analysis of how the War on Drugs should be considered within the Due Process Model of the Criminal Justice System. In this paper, it was required to take an extreme position, therefore only the Due Process model is supported while the Crime Control Model is refuted.


American Terror

This paper, for WRTG 100 – College Writing, is a position paper that discusses the current interpretation of Far-Right Terror in the United States and what must change in order to successful preserve national security.