Submission Guidelines

Food-Fueled is accepting student submissions until February 1st, 2024! Because this journal is a part of the academically diverse RECIPES network, we encourage submissions from a variety of perspectives. If you are unsure if your work fits Food-Fueled’s mission, please reach out to Manuscripts should be submitted via email to: Citation format does not matter for the initial submission, but you may be asked to change their style during the editing process. Specific guidelines for our four major submission categories are as follows:


Suggested topics under this category include nutrition, agriculture, food sciences, data modeling, health effects, etc. 

There is currently no word limit, however your submissions will be edited as necessary for spelling, grammar, formatting, and concision. A reference list in the style of your choosing must also be included.

International Politics and Policy

Suggested topics under this category include international food security initiatives, international sustainability and food policies, climate change summits and food sustainability, global health, etc. 

There is currently no word limit, however your submissions will be edited as necessary for spelling, grammar, formatting, and concision. A reference list in the style of your choosing must also be included.

Domestic Politics, Policy, and Law

Suggested topics under this category include food security and waste laws in the U.S., domestic food sustainability policies, sustainability efforts in the U.S., etc.

There is currently no word limit, however your submissions will be edited as necessary for spelling, grammar, formatting, and concision. A reference list in the style of your choosing must also be included.

Personal Prose and Local Journalism

Suggested topics under this category include poetry, prose, or journalistic pieces that are related to food. 

There is currently no word limit, however your submissions will be edited as necessary for spelling, grammar, formatting, and concision. A reference list in the style of your choosing must also be included.

We look forward to reading all submissions and hope to build a collection of work. Please direct any further questions to