Mental Health Strategies

There are a variety of strategies to improve mental health that everyone should practice. Many can be done on your own with little to no required resources. However, all of these strategies require patience, perseverance and making good, healthy choices for yourself.

1. Take Care of Yourself!

Maintaining your physical health is key to promoting mental wellness. Eat fruits and vegetables, get 8 hours of sleep every night, exercise regularly and refrain from using addictive substances.

2. Maintain Positive Relationships

Having people close to you who you can trust and rely on is important to weathering mental illness. It is important to interact with others and avoid loneliness and isolation which can have a detrimental impact. Call your parents! Go out and have fun! It is better than social isolation.

3. Clear Your Mind

It is important to be able to forget your troubles, destress and unwind. Meditation and mindfulness are tools that can help you to clear your mind of your troubles and not get overwhelmed by stress.

4. Seek Help When You Need It

If you are still having trouble with mental health, consult the AU Health Center or other health care provider to retrieve therapeutic treatment. Therapy is a proven way to work through psychological issues and it has helped millions improve or live with their conditions.