Last year, OpenBehavior created a video repository with the intention of gathering raw behavioral neuroscience videos in one location to train students to use video analysis software. Recently, we have updated our repository and added three videos depicting commonly used behavioral procedures.
The first video is a spatial delayed alternation task in pigs, donated by Tim Allen. The second is a value-based decision making task in rats, donated by Samantha White. Both of these videos capture operant behaviors that are unique additions to our repository, with the former being a memory-based task and the latter demonstrating a decision making task. The third video is a consummatory task that captures the microstructure of rats licking at a spout, donated by Linda Amarante (who was a doctoral student in the Laubach Lab at American University the time that the video was recorded). We would like to thank the three previously mentioned researchers for donating their videos.
We are actively growing our repository to make it a more diverse and useful resource for neuroscientists. Specifically, we are seeking:
1. More examples across labs of common behavioral procedures. Ideally, these videos would be complete sessions/experiments, and from a diverse set of species (we currently have no fish or insect videos in the repository). Some examples of videos we are looking for include: operant behaviors, head-fixed mouse behaviors, learning, freezing, Pavlovian conditioned approach, elevated t-maze / plus maze, etc.
2. Raw videos to accompany video analysis software methods publications. We plan to reach out to developers for videos providing examples on how to use their software.
3. Animals both with and without harnesses used in methods such as electrophysiology, optogenetics, and fiber photometry. In addition, we are looking for indications of how researchers have approached video analysis to overcome challenges faced while an animal is tethered.
If you have raw videos that you would like to contribute, please fill out THIS FORM.