Rabbit Hole

Summary of the podcast: Throughout the course of humankind, social interaction has evolved, especially with the introduction of the internet. With many people creating a following through the work they portray online, does this modified persona online change who we really are, and does this really show the true person behind the screen. This series goes over the modification we make online and how that shapes how we act compared to physical social interaction.

Description of my “bonus material”: Over the course of my bonus material I took episode 5 and took 3 different viewpoints while talking about how popular youtube star Pewdiepie gained his following and the effects of it throughout the years. This provides a supplement because of how I took 2 different generations and created a dialogue that had shown how the media affects public attention while seeing how someone who doesn’t watch youtube as much would react to this content. Taking this dialogue we were able to draw different conclusions, and it shows how each different type of person is going to react in different ways.

Episode 1



Episode 2