Welcome to the CTRL Beat!

The CTRL Beat is an online publication where AU faculty, staff, and students share informative narratives and reflections on teaching, research, and learning. The Beat provides the AU community with the opportunity to share and explore new pedagogical insights, reflect on best practices and professional development experiences, and to learn about up-and-coming scholarship on teaching and learning from the CTRL team and Faculty Fellows. The CTRL Beat features works grounded in evidence-based practices combined with storytelling. We are also guided by AU’s Inclusive Excellence Framework to ensure CTRL’s vision for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community of practice.

The CTRL Beat releases issues in the fall and spring of each academic year and welcomes contributions dedicated to teaching, research, and learning. Stay on beat with us and start each semester strong!

Letters from Leadership

Fall 2024

We welcome you to a new academic year with a new issue of The CTRL Beat!

The fall 2024 issue highlights perspectives from instructors on advancing equity, multidimensional learning approaches, innovative assessment, student–faculty research partnerships, as well as excellent resources and knowledge offered by the AU Library.

The diversity of article topics and teaching, research, and learning approaches discussed in this issue is inspiring and reflects the breadth of critical insights from faculty and staff across campus!

We hope you enjoy this issue and continue to engage with past issues through our archive.

Thank you for your continued support!

Kathryn Grossman, Outgoing Managing Editor
Sahil Mathur, Incoming Managing Editor
Hannah Jardine, Executive Editor

Inaugural issue, Spring 2022


Here at the Center for Teaching Research & Learning, we are always trying to improve our efforts to foster an inclusive and collaborative community of faculty, committed to impactful scholarship and teaching. We especially recognize the importance of our work during this time of mass upheaval and uncertainty. As we continue to fulfill our mission of promoting excellence in scholarship and teaching, one of the initiatives we are focusing on is the CTRL Beat, an online platform dedicated to sharing scholarship on teaching and learning from the perspective from both CTRL staff and AU faculty. 

Some of you may remember the CTRL blog from years’ past and our other resources sharing scholarship. We would like to start fresh with this new platform because we see this as an opportunity for us to bring you timely and relevant information on a variety of topics from our own community of scholars on teaching and learning. Some will likely be things you have encountered before, but others might be new.   

I hope you enjoy the content we provide.  


Kiho Kim
Former Executive Director 
Center for Teaching, Research & Learning