Plan Your Op-ed (Essay 3)

Upload the Plan Your Op-Ed (Essay 3) activity as a reply:
1. The debate or controversy that I am writing about is _____________________
(write 1-2 sentences).
2. The Debate in this Topic is on ________________________________. (Summarize some of the major positions in the debate in a couple of sentences. Give links to 3-4 articles that take these positions.)
3. In this debate, I think/believe/argue  _________________________________ (write 1-2 sentences on your position in this debate).
4. My position is important because it helps us understand/know that ___________________.

Copper—Issac’s Blog Post

Copper. That bright, retro looking metal that might remind you of perhaps the finishing in your grandmother’s home, has surprising benefits. Used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Native Americans, Copper has been prized for its antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties.


When bacteria and viruses land on hard surfaces, they can often last for hours to five days, however almost upon instant contact with copper, bacteria and viruses die. This is why hospitals once used to be fitted with copper fixtures, as it is known to kill these sickness causing microorganisms and is the only EDA approved metal to do so. With the rise of CoronaVirus across the world, perhaps we should take a step back and look into the ancient practices of various cultures and take notes.

While it may not be feasible to change all your stainless steel hardware throughout your home to copper, a simple way that one could incorporate this rose gold metal into your daily routine would be to use a copper water bottle or water pitcher. Not only will this water hydrate you, but the container will make sure the water is antimicrobial and antibacterial. Furthermore, copper is a metal that is known to help boost immunity, which is incredibly important during this time. Thus, incorporating copper is another way (along with hand washing) to help you to stay as well as possible during this Corona Virus pandemic.


Find Your Op-Ed

Find an op-ed (opinion editorial) on environmentalism written in the last 2 weeks. It can be on any specific topic, as long as there is some connection with environmentalism.
  • Post a link to the op-ed
  • Give a 1-2 sentence summary of it—what is the writer arguing?
  • Answer the question—how can you tell this is an op-ed? How does its writing style or structure persuade you in a way that is different from other genre of writing that you’ve looked at (like scholarly article, essay, etc.?) Give specific examples from your op-ed.

Grist Oped_Reading Reaction

Feel free to either agree or disagree with the Grist op-ed. Give evidence for your opinion, either from the Grist op-ed itself or from another online source. It’s a good idea to engage with specific aspects of the text’s ideas, language or context when developing your opinion